Name This Place 11.2.2


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9 replies

  1. First Methodist in Itta Bena! Built in 1917.


  2. Correct! I thought that one would be a stumper!


  3. Fun game!  Love it!! 


  4. In 1968 there was an educational wing added by Hall, F.E., & Associates. There are lots of photos on MDAH of the interior.


  5. I am late to the party this week, thanks to the overwhelming work load at the moment. Nonetheless, I think the description of the building in the National Register of Historic Places (William Gatlin and Susan Tietz, 2009) worthy of notice–no points requested. :)

    201 Main Street 1917-18 Romanesque Revival
    First Methodist Church
    Two-story brick church has complex asphalt-shingle roof and raised cut-stone foundation topped with a continuous water table. A central, three-story octagonal tower rises from the center with tri-part fanlights set in wood panels with arched headers. The north (Cleveland Street) facade contains a central dominant front facing gable with a central rose window with corbelled brick arched header. A stone band divides the facade of the gable. A low shed roof protects the one-story entry which has a double corbelled arch supported on a squat stone column resting on a square stone block. Projecting to the left of the porch is a conical roofed one-story octagonal turret with 1/1 stained glass panes over a stone band. To the right, a projecting rectangular hip-roofed block containing three 111 stained glass windows. The west facade (Main Street), has two dominant front facing gables flanking a one-story gable front over the arched
    entrance. The gable to the left contains a massive stained arched stained glass window with corbelled header, to the right, a series of arched 1/1 stained glass window on both first and second story. The entry on this elevation is a double leaf single stained glass pane over raised panel wood door with triple pane arched transom under an arched corbelled header. A modern addition to the south of the main sanctuary serves as the education wing.

    The church was organized in 1894, and the “larger and more substantial current sanctuary” was completed in 1912.


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