Hopeful Update on Matty Hersee

A real vacation, in my opinion, does not include the internet or e-mail, so last week I tried to stick to my philosophical beliefs and avoid the digital world. It helped that the hotel charged $15/day for internet access and that I’m a very cheap person.

Needless to say, I haven’t been keeping up with the news either in Mississippi or the larger world. Thankfully, MissPresers have still be vigilantly watching out for Mississippi’s historic buildings, and a reader from East Mississippi passed on this WTOK story about Meridian’s old Matty Hersee Hospital:

The building that once housed Matty Hersee Hospital may have seen better days, but things are about to start looking up for the landmark structure thanks to Meridian Community College.

“We are about to be in the pre-planning stages of renovating the Mattie Hersee Hospital,” Kathy Brookshire with Meridian Community College says.

MCC says the renovated building would provide classroom space for those interested in pursuing a career in healthcare.

As you may recall, the abandoned hospital, built in 1923 and designed by city engineer Burt Stuart, received a Community Heritage Preservation Grant from MDAH in 2009, although I think I later recall hearing that the college turned down the grant.

The article goes on to inform us that Belinda Stewart will be the architect for the renovation. Great news all around and let’s keep our fingers crossed for this project!

Categories: Hospitals/Medical, Meridian, Renovation Projects

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