Building in Disguise

Tons of MissPres brownie points to whoever can identify this building in downtown Jackson. Hint: It’s very well disguised.

Categories: Contest, Cool Old Places, Jackson, Modernism, Recent Past

19 replies

  1. LDDS or Worldcom Building (Whatever it’s called now)


  2. 12 floors, 3 windows on each side of the entrance…

    That’s gotta be the Plaza Building! Right?


  3. Nope and nope, but good guesses and aren’t y’all the early birds! The WorldCom (now DEQ) building did have a skin of brick and colored panels at one time in its existence.


  4. Walthall Hotel


  5. Is it the building at the corner of Lamar and Pascagoula…I don’t know what its called…where Pizza Miller’s used to be?


    • Actually Pizza Millers, may it rest in peace and when will we get another good pizza place downtown again, was in the old Milner Building, which has now been kind of joined with this one, but I give you credit for being the first to be close.


  6. Is it the one I call the Darth Vader Building, redone in shiny chrome and black glass? It’s on Lamar Street between Pearl and Pascagoula.


  7. The black, curtain wall clad building at the corner of Lamar and Pascagoula, across from former Art Museum?


  8. Yes Tom and C.L.–both correct–congratulations! And yes, it is a very sinister building now, a far cry from its whimsical and sunny beginnings. I’ll post current pictures tomorrow along with all I know about the building (which isn’t much).


  9. Wow, I’ve never seen this before! Did it have a name?


  10. It was called the Petroleum Building when it was built. I hadn’t seen a picture of it either and had assumed, like Chris Myers, that it was a newer building, so when I saw it last week on ebay I snapped it up for more than I might have paid for some other postcards. Now if I could just find an image of the Walthall in its colorful Downtowner phase, my life would be complete. Or as complete as it will probably get.


  11. I’m working on that Walthall/Downtowner image for you!


  12. I’m pretty sure we have a picture of the Downtowner in a subject file; I’ll have a look tomorrow.

    I also thought the Petroleum Building was newish in the ’80s when that awful black skin was put on it; it was still called that then. I temped for someone in there in 1989 or ’90, but you’d never have known it was a mid-century building inside, either.


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