Destroying Modern Architecture?!

The Blog of the Preservation Research Office has an interesting post entitled “Destroying Modern Architecture in St. Louis” regarding the St. Louis Pruitt Igoe Housing Project among other St. Louis modern architecture icons.  The post discusses some of the issues that we touched on in the comments section of our MissPres post “Oxford Film Festival & Pruitt Igoe” and why the legacy of Pruitt Igoe is being reconsidered.

Categories: Demolition/Abandonment, Modernism, Recent Past

2 replies

  1. It is a very interesting article, and raises some important issues about how we view things. In some respects, it reminded me of the issues in NOLA surrounding tearing down public housing that had not been damaged by Katrina; it was a political decision purely based on desire for the land, not the public good.


    • Some of the public housing New Orleans is building now is trying to emulate the neighborhoods that surround it. While I’m neither for or against modern architecture for public housing, I find it ironic that they are replicating buildings that were torn down for the public housing several decades ago.


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